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"hours_before_to": "+1 month",
"interval": 30,
"availability_mode": "advanced",
"attendant_enabled": "1",
"form_steps_alt_order": "1",
"disabled_message": "Booking is not available at the moment, please contact us at [email protected]",
"gen_name": "Timeless Clinic",
"gen_email": "",
"gen_phone": "+46722001230",
"gen_address": "",
"gen_timetable": "In case of delay we'll keep your \"seat\" for 15 minutes, after that you'll loose your priority.",
"last_step_note": "You will receive a booking confirmation by email.If you do not receive an email in 5 minutes, check your Junk Mail or Spam Folder. If you need to change your reservation, please call [SALON PHONE]<\/strong> or send an e-mail to [SALON EMAIL]<\/strong>.",
"soc_facebook": null,
"soc_twitter": null,
"soc_google": null,
"ajax_enabled": true,
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"2": 1,
"3": 1,
"4": 1,
"5": 1,
"6": 1
"from": [
"to": [
"sms_notification_message": "Hi [NAME],\r\ntake note of your reservation at [SALON NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME].\r\nSee you soon.",
"sms_notification_message_modified": "Hi [NAME],\r\nyour reservation at [SALON NAME], has been updated.\r\nWe've sent you an email with the details.",
"email_subject": "P\u00e5minnelse [DATE] Kl [TIME] p\u00e5 [SALON NAME]",
"booking_update_message": "Hej [NAME],\r\ntake note of the details of your reservation at [SALON NAME]",
"email_nb_subject": "Bokning [DATE] Kl [TIME] P\u00e5 [SALON NAME]",
"new_booking_message": "Hej [NAME],\r\ntake note of the details of your reservation at [SALON NAME]",
"follow_up_message": "Hi [NAME],\r\nIt's been a while since your last visit, would you like to book a new appointment with us?\r\n\r\nWe look forward to seeing you again.",
"pay_currency": "USD",
"pay_currency_pos": "right",
"pay_decimal_separator": ".",
"pay_thousand_separator": ",",
"pay_paypal_email": "[email protected]",
"pay_paypal_test": true,
"pay_stripe_method": "card",
"parallels_hour": 1,
"sln_db_version": "9.6.9",
"onesignal_notification_message": "Hi, the new reservation at [SALON NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME].",
"enable_discount_system": true,
"debug": false,
"bookingmyaccount": "1557",
"pay": "1553",
"zapier_api_key": "cf6b90c76df858989592",
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"choose_attendant_for_me_disabled": "0",
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"sms_from": "",
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"sms_remind_interval": "+1 hour",
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"follow_up_interval": "+1 days",
"feedback_email": "0",
"feedback_sms": "0",
"custom_feedback_url": "",
"feedback_email_subject": "Timeless Clinic",
"feedback_message": "Hi [NAME],\r\nwould you like to leave a review on your last appointment at [SALON NAME]?\r\nYour feedback we'll help us improving our services and providing you a better experience in the future.",
"onesignal_app_id": "",
"onesignal_new": "0",
"google_maps_api_key": "",
"google_maps_api_key_valid": "",
"week_start": "0",
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"sms_test_message": "",
"salon_staff_manage_cap_export_csv": "0",
"display_slots_customer_timezone": "0"